Sunday, November 1, 2015

2015 Pennsylvania Municipal and presidential primary elections.

Looking over the upcoming municipal election, and the presidential election next year. First of all please consider voting in the municipal election this year. Many people ignore this election. They do not know the names of the politicians. There is little advertising, and interest because it seems like the     significance of these offices are marginal. I would suggest that the election today for the prolife movement is very important. In Pennsyvania we have the opportunity to pick three Supreme Court justices. Two of the three republicans running are prolife. Judy Olson and Anne Covey are your picks for the prolife vote. When few people vote in an election every vote
Counts. Please consider voting for these ladies.

Here is my one sentence soundbite about the presidential candidates...

John Kasitch- Can anyone really trust a banker?
Ben Carson- My taxes would go up too high. 
Donald Trump- Bankruptcy is not a qualification for president.
Jeb Bush- Can he escape his brother's legacy?
Marco Rubio- The isolation of Cuban communism has not worked.
Chris Christie- Will he be vindictive?
Rand Paul- Can not filibuster to the presidency.
Ted Cruz- Good government is not obstruction.
Carly Fiorina- Is my pick for the Republicans.

Bernie Sanders- Is the US ready to become Socialist Europe?
Martin O'Malley- Too many taxes.
Hillary Clinton- My choice for the democratic nomination.

So if my predictions come true we will have a battle of ladies for the White House. What are some pros and cons of a women president?

Diversity of choice can removes blind spots by the electorate.
Ladies tend to be less ideological and more practical.

Men tend to be better risk takers.
Men are interpreted as leaders in the bible.

For the reasons listed above I am still undecided in my choice for president. If the election were today  my choices are above. However, I am still considering my options with the presidential  primary still six months away.